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Stay cool and comfortable all summer long

Indoor Air Quality

Most homes built after 2000 are sealed up so tight, that it causes problems from keeping stale, humid air locked inside. Older homes are so drafty it can be impossible to stay comfortable during a humid summer or a dry winter.

Whole home humidifiers are the number one air quality you can do in a home. They are affordable, effective, and much healthier for you than single room humidifiers.

Whole home dehumidifiers are a great way to handle extreme humidity in a home. Some homes just have a lot of moisture coming in from the basement and some have a direct cause, such as an aquarium. No matter what the cause is, we offer very powerful dehumidifiers that can solve the issue.

UV Lamps are often thought of ineffective snake oil sales tools. Honestly, sometimes they are, but when used in the correct application UV Lamps can be a great addition to your system and make a very noticeable difference in a matter of days.

Electronic air cleaners used to be extremely time consuming to maintain. You needed to turn off your system all day so that you could run the elements through the dishwasher and give them time to dry completely. Modern systems are much better and more user friendly. The systems I prefer come with a disposable media inside the housing, so there is no more time-consuming maintenance, just change the media every 4-6 months and go on with your day.

For expert cooling service, contact us today!

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